Yes, Satan could write the book, so Yes, he would be able to explain every pitfall, if he came clean.
Guess that won't happen though, and even if he did, I think it's over for him, according to Gen. 3:15 and other prophesies...
if satan wanted freedom..shouldn't he search for the truth if nothing else is working?
(truth sets free?).
isn't that what a rebel wants?
Yes, Satan could write the book, so Yes, he would be able to explain every pitfall, if he came clean.
Guess that won't happen though, and even if he did, I think it's over for him, according to Gen. 3:15 and other prophesies...
hebrews - entering god's rest??
what is meant by and how do we enter gods rest?
hebrews the 3rd and 4th chapters tell us about gods rest.
Here is a cross reference for the scripture in Hebrews:
Rev. 14:13 And I heard a voice out of heaven say: "Write: Happy are the dead who die in union with the Lord from this time onward." Yes, says the spirit, let them rest from their labors, for the things they did go right with them.
So resting from ones labors is a good thing.. Could it mean possible, that one reaches a point where they are not fighting the flesh to the degree that there were previously?
i may be confused but as a practising dub in the 1970's i was sure that i was taught that matthew 24:12 referred to people losing interest in god and religion in general.
looking at contemporary wts literature they cite it as a prophecy of ever increasing lawlesness prior to armageddon.. this bible quote seems very different between the nwt - "because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.
" and my good news english version - "such will be the spread of evil that many people's love will grow cold.
Sounds like my kidding.
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of these disasters have in common, and that is they all havesurvivors.. so, to, do human institutions such as concentration camps, prison camps.
and yes, even religious institutions such as the watchtower society.. taking the good out of a bad situation some times individuals will look on the misfortunate circumstances that.
Hi Wanderer:
I left 1 year and 3 months ago. I am thinking I'm a survivor.. I'm in income tax school..just graduated. As I witness for 26 years, I dared not do anything but work toward aux or reg pioneering. Was a witness for 26 years. I also have better friends now..
i just wondered how many of you were still doing books studies with potential converts and door to door work when you had already decided the organisation was not the truth?
how did this feel?
did you alter your approach?
Hello truthsearcher:
I was full time pioneering for the last 5 years.. and quit service Aug. 15, 2005 and quit the meeting Sept. 1, 2005. I am still studying with a woman whom I was then studying with. She made the leap with me. ..Am studying also with a family of ex witnesses and a friend who is an ex witness..
I still like studying alot. and am very happy I have people to study with..
are people "evil" (in god's definition?
) or just don't know what "good" is yet?
(god's defintion of good that is).. how many people would be saved if they somehow found they wanted to do "good"?
hi Dragon
I think for most have a good point about that some people would do good if they could only understand that it was the way that would bring the best results.
I guess that's why we really can't judge people.. as it may be all they know.
But on the other hand.. the bible does teach that some are incorrigible and just don't want what's right. As in Rev. 22:11 "He that is doing unrighteousness, let him do unrighteousnness still; and let the filthy one be made filthy still; but let the righteous one do righteousness still, and let the holy one be made holy still."
what are some beliefs witnesses had that would disqualify them from being the faithful and discreet slave?....i will start with a couple..they believed god live on alcyone and promoted spiritism by encouraging the friends to read "angels and women"...there must be loads more
What? Are you serious in your question?
A serious answer is: That the WT wants to exalt themselves as a God. And for people to follow them instead of the Christ..
an invitation to any jws, ex-jws, faders, lurkers or readers: please wreck this if you can.
i trying to tackle a foundation doctrine of jws as simply as i possibly can.
if anyone has a way to further simplify this, please offer suggestions.. john 10:16"and i have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also i must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.".
Hi Auld,
I was thinking that perhaps the 'other sheep' could be a group that appears in the GT. The same as the 'great crowd', that are not true christians at all...but in the GT, they would be the people who are attracted to the new Jesus that appears, and not the 2,000 year old one. These could be muslims, atheists or any religion at all. (every tribe, nation and tongue). I'm thinking it wouldn't be entirely fair for the people to be judged on a man who lived so long ago and on a bible which has been changed alot by translators.. and on the fact of being lucky enough to be born in a christian community. Another words, I'm thinking at the end, there could be another separating work, based on current things happening, that Jesus can be orchestrating? What do you think?
i was just wondering that in the bible it states that at a time that you do not expect is the time that the end will come.
do you think that for as long as there are end of world religions then there will always be some expecting it at the correct time?
or maybe the religion or the belief that it is near will peter out due to the constant disapointments?
Hello hun,
I was just wondering that in the Bible it states that at a time that you do not expect is the time that the end will come.
I think the time is unexpected because it is in a WAY that is unexpected, (armaggedon that is) And it will be happening and people will not realize it's armaggedon, because Arm. is not at all what people think it is. It's simply Jesus (the lamb) battling the evil in the government. The bible doesn't say it's mountains of dead people.. at all in connection with this battle. The account is in Rev. 16 and 17.
So the time is unexpected because it will be in the PAST before most realize that it's happened. As I believe that when Jesus is battling the governments he will be like a thief in the night, (not announcing he is the Christ), as a thief would not announce his identity.
does having faith mean, believeing any religion, no matter what your intelligence permits you to think is right?.
Hi JH!
I think that having faith, doesn't ever go against your gut feelings. Also that faith can be, that good will triumph over evil..not neccessarily even about faith in God. And also I think faith is about believing in truth, love and justice.
Religion, now adays is so far from true faith and love, it's pathetic.
Take care